

I’m Sofia, and I translate games from English into Brazilian Portuguese. Let's work together?

For over 10 years I’ve been translating mostly AAA games via localization agencies for clients such as Bethesda, Ubisoft, Square Enix and many more. Now, I’ve decided to branch out and try to work with independent developers or small publishers to bring to Brazil as many passion projects, experimental games and innovative experiences as I can, especially those that would otherwise go undiscovered by or be inaccessible to most of my fellow Brazilian players simply due to the language barrier.

There are a lot of amazing folks sending powerful messages through their indie titles, and I've realized that I can (and want to) be a bridge that allows new players to discover these experiences. Instead of just playing these games and talking about them with other English speakers, I can translate them and bring these voices to a new audience, allowing new players to experience them and join the conversation. Working on big projects is fun, it pays my bills, and I’ll keep doing it, but I’ve also developed a strong urge to really dive into games that don’t get the spotlight.


This website exists so that I can show you a bit of who I am, the work I’ve done and what I can do for you. I hope you can trust me with your game, as I’d genuinely love to play, translate, and share it with more people.